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지브리 기타 TAB 목차(일어/영어)

ソロ·ギタ-のしらべ スタジオジブリ作品集

1. 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング[風の谷のナウシカ]
2. ナウシカ・レクイエム[風の谷のナウシカ]
3. 鳥の人[風の谷のナウシカ]
4. 風の谷のナウシカ[風の谷のナウシカ]
5. スラッグ渓谷の朝[天空の城ラピュタ]
6. シータの決意[天空の城ラピュタ]
7. 君をのせて[天空の城ラピュタ]
8. さんぽ[となりのトトロ]
9. おかあさん[となりのトトロ]
10. 風のとおり道[となりのトトロ]
11. まいご[となりのトトロ]
12. となりのトトロ[となりのトトロ]
13. はにゅうの宿[火垂るの墓]
14. 晴れた日に…[魔女の宅急便]
15. ルージュの伝言[魔女の宅急便]
16. 海の見える街[魔女の宅急便]
17. 身代わりジジ[魔女の宅急便]
18. やさしさに包まれたなら[魔女の宅急便]
19. メイン・テーマ[おもひでぽろぽろ]
20. おもひでぽろぽろ[おもひでぽろぽろ]
21. 愛は花、君はその種子[おもひでぽろぽろ]
22. さくらんぼの実る頃[紅の豚]
23. 帰らざる日々[紅の豚]
24. 時には昔の話を[紅の豚]
25. エンゲルス・ツィマー[耳をすませば]
26. カントリーロード[耳をすませば]
27. もののけ姫[もののけ姫]
28. アシタカとサン[もののけ姫]
29. アシタカせっ記[もののけ姫]
30. ひとりぼっちはやめた[ホーホケキョ となりの山田くん]
31. あの夏へ[千と千尋の神隠し]
32. いつも何度でも[千と千尋の神隠し]
33. 風になる[猫の恩返し]
34. 人生のメリーゴーランド[ハウルの動く城]
35. 世界の約束[ハウルの動く城]
36. テルーの唄[ゲド戦記]
37. 崖の上のポニョ[崖の上のポニョ]
38. Arrietty’s Song[借りぐらしのアリエッティ]
39. さよならの夏[コクリコ坂から]
40. ひこうき雲[風立ちぬ]
41. 夢中飛行(旅路)[風立ちぬ]
42. いのちの記憶[かぐや姫の物語]
1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Opening) [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind] 
2. Nausicaa, Requiem [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind] 
3. Bird Person (Ending) [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind] 
4. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind]
5. Morning in the Slag Ravine [Castle in the Sky] 
6. Sheeta’s Decision [Castle in the Sky] 
7. Carrying You [Castle in the Sky] 
8. Stroll (The Opening Theme Song) [My Neighbor Totoro] 
9. Mother [My Neighbor Totoro] 
10. The Path of Wind [My Neighbor Totoro] 
11. A Lost Child [My Neighbor Totoro] 
12. My Neighbor Totoro (The Ending Song) [My Neighbor Totoro] 
13. Home Sweet Home [Grave of the Fireflies] 
14. On A Clear Day… [Kiki’s Delivery Service] 
15. Message of Rouge [Kiki’s Delivery Service] 
16. A Town with an Ocean View [Kiki’s Delivery Service] 
17. Substitute Jiji [Kiki’s Delivery Service] 
18. If I’ve Been Enveloped by Tenderness [Kiki’s Delivery Service] 
19. Only Yesterday (Main Theme) [Only Yesterday] 
20. Omoide Poroporo [Only Yesterday] 
21. The Rose (Original : Bette Midler) [Only Yesterday] 
22. The Time of Cherries [Porco Rosso] 
23. The Bygone Days [Porco Rosso] 
24. Once In A While, Talk Of The Old Days [Porco Rosso] 
25. Angel’s Room [Whisper of The Heart] 
26. Country Road [Whisper of The Heart] 
27. Princess Mononoke [Princess Mononoke] 
28. Ashitaka and San [Princess Mononoke] 
29. The Legend of Ashitaka [Princess Mononoke] 
30. Quit Being Alone [My Neighbors the Yamadas] 
31. One Summer Day [Spirited Away] 
32. Always with Me [Spirited Away] 
33. Become the Wind [The Cat Returns] 
34. The Merry-Go-Round of Life [Howl’s Moving Castle] 
35. The Promise of the World [Howl’s Moving Castle] 
36. Teru’s Song [Tales from Earthsea] 
37. Ponyo on The Cliff by The Sea [Ponyo on The Cliff by The Sea] 
38. Arrietty’s Song [The Borrower Arrietty] 
39. Summer of Goodbye [From Up on Poppy Hill] 
40. Vapor Trail [The Wind Rises] 
41. Journey (Dreamy Flight) [The Wind Rises] 
42. Memory of Life [The Tale of Princess Kaguya]



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